tel.: (499) 929-09-13

The company «NASh IceAge» brings to your attention exclusive subjects of art - souvenirs, products from a tusk of the mammoth, created by masters of the best schools of Russia - Holmogory, Arkhangelsk, Tobolsk, Khotkovo, Yakutsk, Chukotka, and as a collection of the best works of the Chinese masters. Almost all works can be seen in our museum.

You have a possibility to order work of any complexity or to get already finished articles.

Concerning the order and acquisition of works: ph. 8 (499) 929-09-13 or 8(916) 500-10-91.

Sale is carried out in our Museum (VDNKh, pavilion №71) and in shop "FeudAl" located to the address Skolkovskoe shosse 31, TC "SportHit", 3fl.


изделия из бивня мамонта

Россия, Москва, ВВЦ, павильон №71; Тел./факс: (499) 929-09-13
VDNKH, Building 71, Moscow, Russia; Tel./fax:(499) 929-09-13